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Bay Gelding Curly

  • For Sale or Lease: For Sale
  • Name of Curly Horse for Sale: Monty
  • Nickname of your Curly: Munchy
  • Gender: Gelding
  • Year Born: 2014
  • Body Type: Horse
  • Height: please use (h), (cm) or (inches) if a mini: 15.1h
  • Color: Bay
  • Saddle Trained: Yes
  • Trained in the following Disciplines: (PLEASE check as many as apply. This is an important search option for buyers): All-Around, Camping, English, Gymkhana, Jumping, Lesson Horse, Parades, Trail Horse, Western
  • Temperament - rate - 1 (calm) to 10 (hot): 4
  • Registration: Not Registered
  • Contact person/and or farm name: Taylor
  • Phone: 949-230-7433
  • City: Moreno Valley
  • State/Province: California
  • Country: United States
  • Region or Area: USA Pacific
  • Listed: March 3, 2025 3:32 pm
  • Expires: 81 days, 13 hours
Bay Gelding Curly


Monty is a curly mustang, unbranded, gelding that has been in domestication since 3 days old. He was part of an emergency round up due to drought. His dam was humanely euthanized due to her poor condition and Monty was fostered. He has been with in my ownership since 2017 doing trails, tricks, day camping, trash clean ups, obstacle courses, and just being my buddy. I leased him out for a few years to a young girl who was doing English and jumping, she and her trainer taught Monty how to participate in the show ring for lower level events. I ended the lease at the beginning of the year with hopes to being able to hop on and ride in my few moments I get. He is being listed with no fault of his own and can discuss further with interested parties. I wouldn’t have him listed if I didnt need to.
He does his business in one spot!

I would love to have a right of first refusal

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Listing ID: 21867c53695d7d1c

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